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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Garage Door Openers...

There Are Many to Choose, But Only One Type of Opener Meets the Gold Standard

The standard residential garage door opener with which "cookie cutter" builders will install in a new home have typically been the most basic of chain driven models. Although a proven and reliable type of opener, these builder installed chain drive openers are usually the lowest rated units with regards to horsepower and quietness of operation. While they may still function for a time, the stress of operation will shorten the lifespan of the basic garage door opener and will only get louder with age.

Even before the economic status quo turned to ashes for many families and businesses, one thing has never changed. A large majority of home builders will slide by with installing the cheapest and most featureless equipment in a home. With the most basic of appliances and especially garage doors and garage door openers, much of the convenience and quality is lost.

With new construction the option to upgrade the garage door opener, unlike ranges, sinks, and bathrooms, is usually forgotten by the home buyer and the builder. Most families are not dealing with new construction, however. If given the option, the gold standard of upgrading to a premium residential garage door opener would be a belt drive unit.

Much like what is used on the most popular American motorcycle sold in the U.S., belt drive openers offer an incredibly smooth and reliable method for opening any garage door. The rubber belt is reinforced with steel, much like most automobile tires are today. The most widely appreciated benefit of a belt drive opener is its virtually silent operation with the only noise being detected from the door rollers on the tracks and the hum of the motor.

Belt driven openers tend to be slightly more expensive than either their screw driven or belt driven counterparts. Ultimately what determines the cost of the opener is the feature set with which it is packaged. No matter which type of drive is selected, all should be available with a bevy of options. The most expensive units will come with all the bells and whistles such as, external wireless keypad, programmable receiver and transmitters, and the all important lifetime warranty.

Despite the torsion spring being used to offset much of the weight of the door, the construction and size of the garage door will determine what horsepower rating will be required of the door opener. A company specializing in garage doors and openers will be adequately able to recommend units to meet the needs of the home owner to ensure a smooth and worry free investment.

For more information and guidance about this topic, including preventive maintenance and repairs, visit The website includes resources, information, and links to manufacturers.

Posted by, Inc. with permission.
Article independently authored by Daniel Elliott. The content herein may or may not reflect the views and opinions of Premium Garage Door Service.

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